Bahamas Trailblazer Maps
Nassau, Cable Beach, Paradise Island • Grand
Bahama, Freeport, Lucaya


Lost? Even Bahamians use Dupuch Publications Trailblazer Maps to get
around in New Providence and Grand Bahama Island. Accurate and
easy-to-use, Trailblazer Maps are updated every January and July,
showing not only streets, roads and highways, but landmarks such
as forts, malls, beaches, parks and recreational areas. A directory
makes it easy to find shopping, dive companies, golf courses, marinas,
accommodations, restaurants and casinos. Important phone numbers
and notes on interesting places to visit are also included in these
souvenir maps. Distributed free in stores, restaurants and hotels.
... In depth, fold out maps
... Location information and highlights
... Sights and attractions
... Coupons and discounts
... Important numbers and information